RR #27: Celebration Rotary Club Pancake Run 5k

I thought that Ragnar DC was going to be my last run for a while.  My plan had been to run that event, enjoy myself, and then take some time off from running to focus on some CrossFit goals.  I like how running makes me feel, but sometimes the actual doing of the thing is not my favorite.  And then, I ran Ragnar DC, and the curious thing that happens when you get around other runners having a good time … happened.  We started talking about the next events we want to run, the next races.  We started making plans.  And the next thing I know, I’m signing up for races.

I ran the Celebration Rotary Club Pancake Run 5k last year.  That was my first real attempt at getting back into running shape and running a race.  That 2016 Pancake Run represented my first “serious” race in over two years.  And I had a good run – I missed a PR by a minute or so, which was still a good outcome for me.  The race was pretty well run, though small, which wasn’t helped by the fact that it was raining and not a generally nice day.

My sign-up for the Pancake Run this year was prompted by two things.  First, I thought I was capable of finally breaking through the 30 minute barrier in a 5k.  The fat guy holy grail of a sub-30 minute 5k had eluded me now for several races, and this looked like an opportunity to get it done.  For whatever reason, 5k races don’t make my calendar much anymore.  Since that Pancake Run last year, I have run three 10ks, two half marathons, and a Ragnar … but no more 5ks.  This was a chance to see what I had. Continue reading “RR #27: Celebration Rotary Club Pancake Run 5k”

Adventures in Marathon Training – Calendar Edition

So … the monthly streak has reached its first real challenge.

My next race, which is also the February race, was scheduled to be the Run for the End Zone 6K in Montclair, New Jersey, on February 1.  This was going to have several good things going for it – it didn’t start until 10am, so my family could come out, it was a 6K so an automatic PR, and the finish line was the end zone line in the football stadium at a college there in Montclair.  Just overall goodness there, right?

Alas, ‘twas not to be.  They cancelled the race.

Turns out, one of the roads we were intended to run on for a short distance was a county road, and they couldn’t get the local government to agree to shut it down (or even move everybody over) for the duration of the race.  Therefore, safety issues.  Therefore, no race.

Nope.  Nope-itty nope nope nope.
Nope. Nope-itty nope nope nope.

At least they did it with enough advanced notice to let us find other options.

Now, I want to be frustrated at them.  I want to be indignant and talk about getting you stuff together and how inconvenient and … and … and.  And I don’t for two reasons:

  1.  They wanted to run the race, too.  I’m certain that they are extremely disappointed – they’re people doing their thing, just like I am.   Cut them some slack.
  2. This made me take a hard look at my training calendar.

And it turns out, my training calendar had a problem.  Of course, I’m in the midst of marathon training (10 weeks out now!), and the weekly long runs have reached the point where I’m likely running farther than I ever have before on any given weekend.  That all builds up to and culminates in a 20 mile training run that happens, in theory, 2 – 3 weeks out from the marathon.

In practice, I had it scheduled for 3 weeks out from the marathon.  On the same day that I’m going to be at a wedding.  In Colorado.  In February.

There is no chance I’m running 20 miles in Colorado in February.  Zero percent chance.

Nope.  Nope itty nope nope nope.
Nope. Nope itty nope nope nope.

So we can make the argument that the race cancellation saved my bacon – and I therefore cannot be frustrated with them.  I still haven’t chosen the exact replacement race for February (thankfully there are options), but I have moved the calendar around and will now be doing a 2-week taper out of necessity.

Do these kinds of things come up for you, or was this just me screwing up?